Thursday, May 7, 2009
Family's Welfare
In our lives we use to dream, we use to have wishes and hopes that we forgot to think that just to fulfill or achieve our dreams and ambitions we stamp on the rights and territory of others.Invade their privacy and being so selfish just for the sake of our family's welfare and a good life to live in.We focus on our material and territorial claim than to give justice and build peace for the people around us whom we use to turn to in times of distress and crisis. We use to have attitude of hate instead of establishing a camaraderie towards our fellowmen and neighbors. We need to create a safe and clean environment. We shout not be deaf, blind and pain in the hearts of our fellowmen just to provide the needs of our family our kids and our wife. Everybody think and thought what shall I do in order to augment the life of my love ones a family for that matter. Each of one of us seek a life's security and a good future, special the parents the father who will established the needs of the family in terms of financial but see to it that we are not the reason of the hurts and destruction of other families and homes...Can we not live a life filled with joy, peace, abundance and happiness?. Let us put down our selfish ambitions, our goal oriented but full of hatred..But instead build a healthy relationship for the real happiness cannot be measured of the material and financial aide that each family possess. Parents open your eyes and live a righteous life is honorable and divine!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Each individual has its own worries, whether your a boy or a girl you cannot escape from worrying. Maybe because you already experience something in your life and you suffered a lot that is almost makes you give up. But what is worries really means? It is a mental and emotional disturbance that connects to your bad experience in the past and you feel that it might happened again or maybe there is something coming your way in which doesn't do any good. Worries also in terms of relationship it is a big bang , a shaker of any relationship it affects partner and the atmosphere, it build doubts and misfortune and because of this you will lost confidence , trust and perhaps love. Once worries occupied your mind everything will be lost and gone. It gives you a mental disorder anxiety for that matter if you are not going to fight and overcome it life will be miserable. There's no medicine for worries only psychiatrist and psychologists can help you to overcome worries but it is only effective if you yourself will find ways to cope this things up, if you help yourself to beat the odds and think positive, because they are only instrument for your healing but if you are not going to help yourself everything will turn into nothing. One way of fighting this worries or anxiety is that think positive, don't let negative thoughts swallowed your mind and your whole being, because if you keep on thinking the negative specially your worry, you will create a negative vibes to yourself, to your surroundings and to your atmosphere, so everything is not yet too late you still have time to help yourself. Don't attract the negative wave, vibes and feelings but claim and think the positive side that everything is OK that u will excel no matter what, and when worries come treat it as a ordinary feelings that in every worries there is a solution at the end of a tunnel. So why worry when in fact you can beat it the remedy is in the tip of your hands. You are the master of yourself so don't allow anything to push you down but instead rise all above the contradictions of life and let happy and positive thoughts hug you, embrace you and comfort you. For only you can stop it, only you can help yourself !
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The Big Catch
When women meet a guy that is good looking and with a healthy wallet and seem to be Mr Right, We see it as a big catch. When the guy befriended to us, in our thoughts we often think he likes me, but the sad thing is that you are the only one who think and feel that way, and for that matter we give all our best shots to make the guy committed to us, We forgot to think and realized that he only offers friendship and not a boyfriend or husband, maybe if the guy is so cool he volunteered himself to be a foster father to your kids and or a father figure to them, you think he wants you because he stayed with you in a few days weeks or in a short while and feel that both of you have the same feelings, interests and urge, you are comfortable with each other from then on. We often think that he is ours and that he is a big catch a good one for our family's welfare. You give yourself physically and emotionally because of what you falsely or make believe and think that the guy really fall for us. And when the time comes that the man told you that" all he wants from you is your " friendship" that's all he can offer, for some reasons he don't want you to be his life partner. Your world turn upside down. You got alarmed because the first time you meet the guy you already give in with your feelings and slept with him offering yourself with out thinking that he might be turn off to you, or feel you as friend or a sister for that matter. You want him because for you he is really a good catch that's why you want to tagged him and got him because it has something to do with your life's security and most of all your whole family's secured future. But what are you going to do when you learn that he has already his most special someone , what will you do specially when you learn that he has already a child to that special someone and planning to have a family with their own, are you going to fight and stand for what you believe is right? that you need to get him by hook or by crook? Or your going to hurt the woman that the guy loves because in your thoughts my life is already upside down why cant she be? And so you always insists yourself to him by maintaining the communication with the guy knowing you can hurt that special someone and your going to destroy the relationship between the woman whom the guy loves and is the mother of his child, are you going to established relationship with the guy with all the laid off truths that he just want you for a friend. Are you going to ruined someone's life because you feel yours are ruined already? Are you not afraid of bad karma that whatever you sow that's what your going to ripped off, it will fall on your children. As a woman and as a mother we cannot stand to see that our kids specially our daughter lead to experience such a very hurtful and painful thing because of what we did in the past just to support their needs and to have a good future in the expense of others, Every woman has her own needs we are hook of what future we can give to our children in order to have a good future. We can support our family our needs if we think positive, we need to work hard to sustain this world but do it in away that you cannot destroy the life of others and yours. Just putting yourself in the shoes of others in order for you to feel what it is like when others do it to you the way you do. Woman we have the power, we have the courage and dedication, we have all the strength and inspirations, our family and kids are reason enough for us to choose the good things and make it right!
Monday, April 27, 2009
In the Absence of Meat
As we face the meat crisis due to the flu that spread out and be the global pandemic problem, why not use alternative that is more nutritious and healthy, so lets do eat!
4 cups cooked gluten(veggie meat)
1 large onion
1 tablespoon oil
5 cups water or potato water
1 cup chopped celery
1/3 cup tomato juice
4 cups cooked gluten(veggie meat)
1 large onion
1 tablespoon oil
5 cups water or potato water
1 cup chopped celery
1/3 cup tomato juice
- Prepare broth by braising chopped onion in oil. Add liquid and celery
- Bring to boil and add veggie meat cut in 1/2 inch slices. Cover and let it boil slowly for 1 hour, or until nearly all the liquid has evaporated.
- Squeeze out excess liquid. Dip in beaten eggs to which a little water have been added.
- Roll in crackers or if not bread crumbs and lightly brown on both sides in a small amount of oil. The remaining liquid in which the veggie meat was cooked can be thickened and use as a gravy.
- Approximate 6 servings
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Some people leave their dreams, some people close their eyes, Some people want it all, Some people pass through this life and some just take whatever it is because of worries, trials and hardships. Full of heartaches and woes because of what happens in the past that still pinch the guilt. When guilt is our enemy we cannot live a good life but a ruined and destructed one. We become a wheel of tears and a pot of failures. We where not able to see and appreciate things before because we are blinded by our fears. But when we are free from the guilt that imprisoned us, we are able to see the things that makes us happy even the simple one, we will notice that the things we need and the things that we want is with in our reach. Now is the time to get and cheer up, a time to rise, above the contradictions of life. Although we cannot look out for the sufferings, for everyone of us has it's own, but bear in mind that if our suffering accompanied by self pity everything will be lost and gone, it destroyed happiness and life for it is it's worst companion , but if our suffering accompanied by love everything will be possible and done. You can start a new and a good life for the best companion of suffering is love.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Happi ness or less?
Happiness. Do you know what happiness means? It is the condition of your mind the result of doing good deeds but most of us don't really mind the meaning of it as long as we feel it and that we are happy. Happiness is accepting people for who they are, Breaking away from everything that hinders hope to accomplish with our life and to create relationship with others, and friendships who can share dreams, sorrows and hopes. We need to forgive and forget grudges that only brings us down that inspires unhappy thoughts and grief. We need to ignore the negative feelings, thoughts and ideas inside our heart and mind, lets focus in our goal and
accomplishments. We need to have hope that everything is possible. We need to know and remember that no matter how bad things are there is always away to get better. Let love be the center of your being and let love resides in our hearts instead of hate. Don't let hate occupy a big space in our heart because it leads to nothingness and letting you down. Because love is the key to endless happiness after a bundle of trials. We need to manage our time, expenses and our stress so that worries will not take over that will make us suffer. We need to open our heart, mind and eyes to appreciate the simplicity and beauty around us and be thankful always that you still have chance to see the beautiful creations for free. Lastly value the things that you have and the people who believe, supported and encourage you and make yourself available for them with open arms. Respect and value their opinion as well for we are not perfect we bound to commit mistakes and failures, but work for it and do it hard to the best of your ability but if you fall short of your dreams and goals and you stumble rise up and creep to the light for it is better to taste the fruit of your labor for the real happiness is not less. Have your happiness everyone!
accomplishments. We need to have hope that everything is possible. We need to know and remember that no matter how bad things are there is always away to get better. Let love be the center of your being and let love resides in our hearts instead of hate. Don't let hate occupy a big space in our heart because it leads to nothingness and letting you down. Because love is the key to endless happiness after a bundle of trials. We need to manage our time, expenses and our stress so that worries will not take over that will make us suffer. We need to open our heart, mind and eyes to appreciate the simplicity and beauty around us and be thankful always that you still have chance to see the beautiful creations for free. Lastly value the things that you have and the people who believe, supported and encourage you and make yourself available for them with open arms. Respect and value their opinion as well for we are not perfect we bound to commit mistakes and failures, but work for it and do it hard to the best of your ability but if you fall short of your dreams and goals and you stumble rise up and creep to the light for it is better to taste the fruit of your labor for the real happiness is not less. Have your happiness everyone!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
A Woman's Wish
As a woman and as a mother we open wish and hope, think and pray that we may have a grace of patience not just patience but an extended one specially when children have no time to eat and misbehaving, when there is scarcity of funds and out of budget and expenses are not meet. When betterhalf is too occupied of work and forget the significant events like anniversaries and birthdays, when laundries are not done and household chores are waiting. I did not think that the things I do may be praised and appreciated not even seeking comfort but all I wish is that I may be more persevering because doing all this things is for the welfare and benefit of my family. I give my best to do all my duties and responsibilities as an expression of my undying love, compassion and concern for my husband and children. To satisfy all their needs as a sign of my joy and happiness, to all who is entrusted to my care, as a woman and as a mother. I was praying that I maybe more patient, more caring, faithful wife and loving mother that I may become committed of the chosen career I was in. That I may be able to continue the opportunity to express my love of the things I am doing, table setting, clothes washing and household cleaning. Wishing to ignore the negative thoughts inside eliminate my bad temper but be focus on the goal that I may always be with them with a listening ear, a supportive and accompanying wife to my husband in his hard and tough times and to extend my care to their needs, to help and ease them in times of hurts and pains. I want to be better friend to my kids, a loyal companion to my better half as a wife and most of all a good daughter to my parents whom I cherish, love and care , and whom I consider my life's greatest gift entrusted to my nest of care, Woman do your share , now is your time to care!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The Beauty of Happiness
When we are very much occupied of the things around us, Like how to earn money that is good enough for family needs, for debts, for credit cards and for daily use, we become weak, irritated, and having an attitude of hate. Aside from that we become more sickly physically, mentally and emotionally because of so many frustrations in life and in our goals and dreams that always engage in our wants nowadays and no longer our needs because of influence of the fashion and trendy things and most of all pride to show off. We forget to understand that its not only the material thing that counts but the spiritual, emotional, joy and happiness as well. The beauty with in our self that most of the time we forget to notice because of negative feeling that have ripped our mind. We use to think that being beautiful is engaging of new technology, expensive creams, expensive dress, cars and many others. We forget to think that simplicity is beauty that the joy and happiness with in ourselves is the reason why we are beautiful in others eyes that glowed inside out. We often think that happiness we created in our self is selfish one, we forget to think that how can we make others happy if we in our selves not convinced that we are happy too. How can we share happiness to others if we are not happy, or maybe because we rely our happiness to others, we count and give the opportunity to someone for our happiness to our husband, wife, kids and parents they don't have the control over to your own happiness. You need to give and fill yourself up first before you can share and give it to others. They are just there to experience and share the happiness that with in our self. So give yourself a time and treat it with love and respect so that others will be influence and attracted that life is beutiful, that no matter how hard the time nowadays, we still have the options to appreciate beauty and wellness with in our reach. So start to be happy now, fill yourself with joy and you will see, people will appreciate the happiness you share to anybody. Life is beautiful, Attract happiness!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
As time goes by I often heard about global warming, How it disturbed the world and the inhabitants of today. People are not interested to know of what happens to the world we live in unless there is something bad happens. We often preoccupied of the bills that will be soon due, budget is short, household chores tend to be routines, my husband/wife is busy and forget our anniversary, children are misbehaving, laundries are piled up and I have no time for myself. We become self centered that we always think of ourselves that it should be "ME" and no one else, and for that reason we forget to care about the place we live in. We crave for more that we no longer aware that the result of our action is already destroying our surroundings to cover up our failures to achieve our goal which is to earn more, to get more, to have more and to rise among all others, So in effect to express our unfulfilled desire we turn to the environment by never ending cutting of trees with out replacement that's why we experience flash floods, soil erosion and landslides because of no more trees that will hold the water from the mountains and forests, the so called denuded mountain, aside from this land tripping we also turn to sea blasting by doing dynamite fishing, throwing garbage everywhere specially in the sea and ocean, that often cause of coral reefs destruction, coral bleaching and sea rising and most of all island sinking. I remember the killer tsunami that kills thousands of people in Asia, It is really a mass destruction and mass grief. I also remember the killer earthquake in China that cause many lives of young and old, man and woman. We really feel sorry of what had happened to our neighboring countries and even in our own place but we forget to examine ourselves if we take part of the happenings we experience our world today and the global warming that is present now a days. Before we use to go out in our house to get vitamin D from the sun from 6 to 9 am in the morning, but now a days if you are exposed to the sunlight you can no longer have vitamin D but migraine and skin cancers. Human, is this the world you dream to live? Because this is what we are now living the world of destruction!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Rash Berry

In my pregnancy days I already soliciting advice regarding rashes of the baby, mixed feeding,vitamins and many others. So one of the advice is to have a cloth diaper to prevent rashes of the baby, and because it is proven and tested of those mother's whom I was talking to regarding rashes. So I buy a dozens of soft and non soft cloth diapers in preparation of my birthing. It was December really a rainy seasoned here in the Philippines when I give birth to a baby girl named Angel . When the nurse give me the baby from the nursery the baby is already in diaper,but when we get home I change it to cloth diaper, for Angel and yes it was OK at first and handy but later on I found its not handy anymore as it is very wet seasoned. The cloth diaper is easily get wet of the pee, and its not only 1 dozen of cloth diapers she consumed but many and the thing is it wont get easily dry as the environment is wet and typhoon the whole seasoned. Angel consumed all the cloth diaper so I don't have a choice except to buy disposable diaper. I observe what the disposable diaper do to Angel but yes she gets a diaper rash. I was upset and feel guilty about it, but no matter how many cloth diapers i buy if its rainy seasoned it cannot compensate. So I try all kinds of diaper but there's only one diaper that my Angel likes to wear, She doesn't get rashes with it. So from that day on up to now Angel wears it and diaper rash not at all...Rash Berry? No more!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Milk Shake

Am a mother of a 3 month old baby girl, Her name is Angel, I breastfeed her Though most of the time she cannot suck all the milk from my breasts, Angel was full of nourishment from natural feeding by me, she was gaining weight almost every week and growing fast. But then everything change when Angel's dad came from another country because he use to work there as a computer processing operator. Angel's dad and I roaming around the tourists attraction of our place as he comes in Philippines for his once a year vacation, So we took it as an opportunity to bond together and because both of us are adventurous, like going to the caves, visiting waterfalls in the near by town. So it is where all things started that I cannot feed Angel right in time,but before all the changes I already went to angel's Pediatrician consulting that if ever I want to have a mixed feeding what milk would you recommend because I'm afraid I cannot feed Angel on time once her dad is here with us, so the pediatrics recommend the alternative milk for Angel, and yes the things I'm afraid of was already happened that I may not be able to feed her on time, and because of that Angel do not want me to breastfeed her all alone anymore as she already likes the taste of the milk in the bottle. I was really disturbed and have a heavy heart regarding on this matter. But later on I see the result of how my mixed feeding do to Angel that makes her so active and have a quick mind. Milk shake anyone?
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