Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Each individual has its own worries, whether your a boy or a girl you cannot escape from worrying. Maybe because you already experience something in your life and you suffered a lot that is almost makes you give up. But what is worries really means? It is a mental and emotional disturbance that connects to your bad experience in the past and you feel that it might happened again or maybe there is something coming your way in which doesn't do any good. Worries also in terms of relationship it is a big bang , a shaker of any relationship it affects partner and the atmosphere, it build doubts and misfortune and because of this you will lost confidence , trust and perhaps love. Once worries occupied your mind everything will be lost and gone. It gives you a mental disorder anxiety for that matter if you are not going to fight and overcome it life will be miserable. There's no medicine for worries only psychiatrist and psychologists can help you to overcome worries but it is only effective if you yourself will find ways to cope this things up, if you help yourself to beat the odds and think positive, because they are only instrument for your healing but if you are not going to help yourself everything will turn into nothing. One way of fighting this worries or anxiety is that think positive, don't let negative thoughts swallowed your mind and your whole being, because if you keep on thinking the negative specially your worry, you will create a negative vibes to yourself, to your surroundings and to your atmosphere, so everything is not yet too late you still have time to help yourself. Don't attract the negative wave, vibes and feelings but claim and think the positive side that everything is OK that u will excel no matter what, and when worries come treat it as a ordinary feelings that in every worries there is a solution at the end of a tunnel. So why worry when in fact you can beat it the remedy is in the tip of your hands. You are the master of yourself so don't allow anything to push you down but instead rise all above the contradictions of life and let happy and positive thoughts hug you, embrace you and comfort you. For only you can stop it, only you can help yourself !

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